Feb 28 / Samantha Stupak

What is Bioenergetic Testing and How May It Boost Your Wellness?

Are you aware that your body carries energy? 

Everything that is matter is energy. It’s a fundamental concept you might recall from chemistry or biology classes, and this is the very principle behind bioenergetic testing.
In the simplest terms, everything around us—every cell, organ, and even our emotions—is made of atoms, which contain subatomic particles like protons and electrons.

Matter encompasses the physical things around you! These particles carry electrical charges and vibrate at different measurable frequencies. This energy isn’t something we can physically see, but it’s everywhere and plays a huge role in our overall health.  

Bioenergetic testing assesses the energy (frequencies) your body emits, drawing on principles of quantum physics. It takes a holistic approach that looks at your health and well-being on an energetic level through 4 key levels:

The Physical Level

The physical level of the body refers to the tangible, material aspect of a person—the organs, tissues, cells, bones, muscles, and all the structures that make up the body. It’s the most outward, visible layer that we interact with in our day-to-day lives.

This level is the foundation for all the other levels (emotional, mental, and spiritual) as they are grounded in the physical body. When the physical body is healthy, it supports the well-being of the other aspects of the self, but imbalances in the physical body can influence emotional, mental, and spiritual states as well.

One example of the physical body is the organs and systems. The physical body includes organs such as the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, and digestive system. These organs work in tandem to maintain homeostasis (balance) in the body. The body’s systems, such as the circulatory, nervous, and immune systems, also play vital roles in sustaining life.

The Emotional Level

The emotional level of the body refers to the aspect of a person that processes and holds emotions, including feelings, moods, and emotional experiences. It's often described as a subtle energy body or a layer that influences how we respond to our inner and outer worlds emotionally. This level is deeply connected to our physical, and spiritual well-being.

Positive emotions like joy, love, and gratitude can create a sense of lightness, openness, and flow. In contrast, negative emotions such as anger, fear, and sadness can create tension, stagnation, or blockages in the body. These emotional energies are believed to affect not only our mood but also our physical health and overall vitality.

Bottom line: emotions don't just pass through us—they can become stored in the body when they are not processed or expressed fully. Over time, these unresolved emotions may manifest as physical symptoms or discomfort. For example, chronic anxiety can lead to tension in the chest or stomach, while suppressed anger may show up as headaches or digestive issues.

The Spiritual Level

The spiritual body is often viewed as an invisible, non-material energy field that surrounds and permeates the physical body. This energy is believed to be connected to a person's soul, higher self, or consciousness. It is often described as the energy or essence of a person that connects them to higher realms, universal consciousness, or the divine. 

In holistic health and spiritual traditions, the spiritual body is considered the source of inner peace, purpose, and connection to something greater than the individual self. If you are struggling in the spiritual level of your body, this may manifest in the physical level. 

At CBH Energetics, we have created non-invasive home health tests using hair and saliva samples to identify subtle energetic stress that may be causing imbalances in your energetic body. This stress can lead to imbalances that might impact nutrition, food sensitivities, emotions, hormones, and may make you more susceptible to the energetic patterns of toxins in your environment.

An Energetic Beginning

For centuries, many cultures worldwide have understood the body as more than just physical—it’s a dynamic flow of energy through pathways. Here are some examples:

Reiki: Japanese. A practice that channels universal energy to promote healing.

Qi Gong: China. Combines movement, meditation, and breathing techniques to balance the flow of Qi (life force).

Shamanic healing: Indigenous people.Focuses on spiritual energy and connection with nature for restoration.

Healing touch: North American. Uses gentle touch to realign the body’s energy fields.

Traditional Chinese Medicine: China. Examines meridian systems to balance Qi through acupuncture, herbal remedies, and more.

Ayurveda: India. Works with the body’s three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—to harmonize energy through diet, lifestyle, and plant-based medicine.

Each practice shares a common goal: to restore the body’s energy balance for better health.

Many holistic health practitioners have been aware of these principles for generations, using tools like acupuncture and other therapies to support the body’s natural energy flow. Today, these age-old practices continue to inspire modern approaches to wellness, like bioenergetic testing which blends different modalities with contemporary understanding. 

The Root of Bioenergetics

The origins of bioenergetic testing date back to the 1940s when Dr. Reinhold Voll, a pioneering acupuncturist, made a groundbreaking discovery. He found that environmental factors—such as toxins, diet, and stress, could disrupt energy flow. Dr. Voll developed electroacupuncture (EAV), also called electrodermal testing, which measures the body’s energy pathways using specialized equipment.

After consulting with other doctors, Dr. Voll found that, in some cases, energy flow could be restored through certain lifestyle changes such as diet, supplements, homeopathy, and exercise. Dr. Voll’s innovations laid the foundation for modern bioenergetic testing, which has since evolved into a widely practiced method for assessing and supporting holistic health. 

How Bioenergetic Testing Works

The cells in our bodies store an immense amount of information. Just about everything we encounter daily is stored within the cells in our body, including toxins, emotions, and viruses. These environmental factors can affect our energetic pathways and overall quality of life. 

Remember that everything is energy! Even something as small as a bacterial or viral cell, like an EBV viral particle, is made up of atoms, which are made up of even smaller particles that carry a charge. 

Our proprietary bioenergetic testing analyzes these energetic patterns to uncover imbalances using your hair, saliva, or nail samples and measuring the resonance from them with our custom built testing equipment.

Why Hair and Saliva?

Your hair tells a fascinating story about your body. Your hair strands can take upwards of 6 years to grow. Each strand, fed by your circulatory and lymphatic systems, absorbs nutrients and toxins as it grows. This process creates a snapshot of your body's internal state, storing patterns that reflect your unique energy makeup.

Because every person has a different makeup and lives in a different environment, each hair sample is unique to your own individual energy patterns.
Hair is so informative it can even be used to determine blood relatives and genetic disorders. That’s why you often see hair used as evidence in criminal investigations, although this type of testing differs greatly from what bioenergetic testing looks for. 
Saliva glands also secrete biological information that tells the history of the body’s chemicals. Like hair, saliva reveals patterns that help identify imbalances in sensitivities, toxins, and hormonal states.
Hair and saliva tests are popular for a reason—they’re convenient, non-invasive, and incredibly informative. You could think of a bioenergetic analysis as a workup on your magnetic field, giving you an energetic lifestyle blueprint. 

Because emotional stress and tension are stored in the body, a physical test (such as a hair and saliva sample) may tell how stress affects the body. On the flip side, unaddressed health complications can contribute to emotional stress. This is why a bioenergetic scan can assist in getting to the root of troublesome health concerns.

Bioenergetic testing with CBH can scan for:

► Hormonal imbalances.
Environmental & food sensitivities.
Nutritional deficiencies such as mineral imbalances, or digestive disruption.
Thyroid stress.
Energetic patterns of toxins like mold, bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, chemicals, and parasites.

and more…

Beyond Bioenergetic Testing

Since the mind and body are deeply interconnected, each carrying its own chemistry and energy, herbal remedies and homeopathics can be used to support the body and the identified stress. Herbalists theorize that plants carry their own energetic properties that can impact the body both physically and spiritually. 

Natural remedies, diet support, and lifestyle tweaks balance the body from the resonating stress. An example is the support of the gut. Science tells us that the gut microbiota communicates with your Nervous System through the gut-brain link. Dietary changes help to balance mood and other organ systems. 

Using a personalized approach can move the body quickly from a state of stress to balance with custom testing and remedy suggestions unique to your samples. In addition, supporting the physical, emotional, and energetic body can involve activities that promote an energetic mind-body connection.

How Can Bioenergetic Testing Help You?

The truth is, just about everyone can benefit from knowing their body better. By being more in tune with all aspects of your body, from physical to emotional to energetic, you’re better equipped to address health concerns when they arise.
While it’s not a replacement for modern Western medicine, bioenergetic testing complements traditional methods, offering a different perspective on your wellness. 
Many people have used bioenergetics to find clarity and guidance with their health concerns, including:

► Hair loss: this can be linked to the digestive system. mineral or hormonal imbalances. 

Fatigue: this can be linked to mold exposure, hormonal imbalances or nutrient 

Weight gain/loss

Brain fog

Leaky gut

Food Sensitivities

When you receive the detailed report from the analysis, a custom regimen of supplements, homeopathic remedies, and herbs will be provided as an option. 
Order your own personal bioenergetic kit and start on your path to complete wellness.

One of the most compelling aspects of bioenergetic testing is that it is safe for all ages, including older adults, children and infants. Bioenergetic testing has been met with skepticism among many despite its commitment to achieving positive outcomes for clients and their health goals. 

This may be due to the differences compared to Western medical tests, which are needed as part of the picture of overall health. 

Ultimately, you know your body best
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