Jun 17 / Kyla Schmidt

Why Use Bioenergetic Testing For Parasites in Your Practice

Understanding Parasites

“Do I have parasites? How do I know I have parasites?”

These are some of the most common questions we get from our clients at CBH Energetics. And for good reason - it’s not uncommon to have a parasite!

In fact, 1/4 of the population has a helminth (worm) of some kind. Around 50% of the population harbors H. Pylori, a bacteria that lives in the stomach and can cause ulcers and other issues. These are just a few examples of parasites that affect people! To say that understanding parasites is a topic that often piques curiosity and concern is an understatement. 

If your client has visited a Western medical doctor, they may have been told they don’t have parasites because their blood or stool tests often come back negative. So, do they have parasites, or do they not? Despite being quite prevalent, parasites can be tricky for holistic health practitioners to figure out. We are aware that traditional testing methods have limitations and understand the importance of looking beyond just the symptoms.

This is where bioresonance testing can make a difference.

Bioresonance testing is a valuable tool to add to any practice. It uses the body's energy fields to detect imbalances and stressors—including parasites. Unlike traditional methods, bioresonance testing evaluates the body's energetic responses to identify if parasites have negatively impacted your biofield.

This approach can reveal things that conventional tests might not see. It reveals what your body is ready for at that time of testing!

Let’s examine this further to understand why bioresonance testing is an effective tool for clients and a scalable addition to any holistic health practice.

The Challenge of Detecting Parasites

As mentioned, parasites pose a unique challenge for healthcare practitioners. Many practitioners do not have parasites on their radar when it comes to joint pain, brain fog, or the Immune System.

CBH Energetics has been helping hundreds of practitioners learn about the impact that parasites, chemicals, mold, hormonal, and nutritional imbalances have on their clients.
In fact, many affiliate practitioners of ours have had to deal with these issues themselves. 

Prevalence and Symptoms

Parasites are more common than many people realize. 
First of all, ‘parasites’ is a pretty broad topic.
  • Definition: A parasite is an organism that lives on or in an organism of another species, known as the host, from the body of which it obtains nutriment. 

Parasites can:

  • Be microscopic, like protozoa, which comprise about 80% of parasites.

  • Include worms, which can be seen with the naked eye.

  • Live in various parts of the body, including the lungs, liver, and skin.

  • Include ectoparasites, such as lice, fleas, and ticks, which live on the skin and feed on the host’s blood.

  • Involve parasitic fungi, like ringworm, which infect the skin, hair, or nails.

  • Transmit diseases, such as Lyme disease, in which the parasitic vector (ticks) carries the Borrelia burgdorferi bacterium and other co-infections.
  •  Practitioner Tip: Parasite cleansing is a beneficial practice that helps relieve the pressure on the Immune System and balance the gut microbiome. Supporting clients through this process requires background knowledge and skills to help someone who may be sensitive to typical parasite products.

While some parasites are harmless or even beneficial (we need some bugs in our bodies!), others can cause significant health issues. Parasites can affect individuals regardless of age, health status, or geographical location.

The impact of parasites on the body can lead to a wide range of symptoms, making them a challenging health issue to identify.
People may present with mild discomfort or severe issues such as:

  • Bloating and gas
  • Digestive disturbances, including diarrhea or constipation
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Skin issues, such as rashes or itching
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Sleep disturbances

Those sound like symptoms of so many other things, don’t they?

Limitations of Traditional Testing

Traditional testing methods, such as stool tests and blood tests, often fall short in detecting parasites. This means that the absence of a positive test result does not necessarily mean the absence of parasites.

Stool tests, for instance, require multiple samples and precise timing to catch the parasites in the right stage of their life cycle. Even then, the results can be inconclusive or contain a false negative. This may indicate that a person does not have a parasite when they actually do!

Blood tests may detect antibodies or antigens related to specific parasites, but they may not catch all types of markers, especially if the body's immune response is not robust enough to produce detectable levels. 

Unfortunately, many Western medical practitioners don’t consider these outcomes and rely solely on the test results, which … results in telling their patients that they don't have parasites. 

Patient Frustration

This uncertainty often leaves patients feeling frustrated and helpless. They might experience ongoing symptoms (which may or may not be related to parasites) that significantly impact their quality of life yet receive negative test results and reassurance from their doctors that nothing is wrong. This disconnect between the patient's experience and the clinical findings can erode trust in traditional healthcare approaches.

Many patients are left searching for answers, turning to multiple practitioners (and spending multiple dollars), and trying various treatments with little success. This is where an alternative approach and a progressive practitioner like yourself can use bioresonance testing and provide a new perspective on your clients' wellness goals.

So, if traditional methods of looking for parasites aren’t that effective, bioenergetic testing can help in your practice.

Using Bioenergetics in Your Practice

Disclaimer: CBH Energetics does not practice medicine or diagnose or treat any disease.
Because our testing is based on the principle that every cell, organ, and organism has unique bioenergetic signatures, parasites, like all living organisms, can be included in our energetic testing process.

All living things have distinct bioenergetic patterns that can be revealed using our technology.

If parasites resonate, you will see them listed on your report. However, there are many other things to consider, even if you suspect parasites in your client.

Energetic Food Sensitivities

Are you factoring parasites into your client's health presentation when they come to you with bloating, moodiness, nutritional gaps, or SIBO? There are more than likely to be food sensitivities with parasites as well. You can read more about navigating food sensitivities directly in this
blog post.

Most practitioners are familiar with the top “allergenic” foods: gluten, wheat, dairy, corn, and soy. While some clients may benefit from a blanket elimination diet, many more will find changing food preferences and behavior difficult with strict protocols.
Research is showing that “those following an uncontrolled, restrictive elimination diet are more prone to food aversion and ED (eating disorders) than their healthy peers.”

Elimination diets without further investigation are just pointing the finger at food, without looking at the microbiome, the Nervous System, and other factors that can cause food sensitivities, like the gut mucosa itself. 

With bioenergetic testing results, you have information to investigate food concerns, preferences, fears, and links to the Digestive System itself. 

Let’s look at some examples that may show up on our testing reports.
 If Gluten Shows up on a Report. 
Regarding parasites, especially in the context of Giardia or Entamoeba hystolytica, some studies have suggested a link between Giardia and the subsequent development of gluten sensitivity or celiac disease. Parasites can inhibit an immune response that can cause Digestive System problems!

 If Lactose Shows up on a Report.
Parasites can damage the gut lining, where lactase, the enzyme that breaks down lactose, is produced. This can lead to lactose intolerance.

  If Low Hydrochloric Acid Shows up on a Report
Your client may need support in producing the very substance that kills pathogens that naturally enter our bodies via the Digestive System.

Energetic Nutrient Deficiencies

When addressing parasites, we could also consider nutrient deficiencies—a lack of essential nutrients such as copper and zinc can weaken the Immune System, making the body more susceptible. 

Many parasites require iron for growth, replication, and survival. They obtain iron mainly from the host's red blood cells. The human body has defense mechanisms that limit iron availability to pathogens - a process called "nutritional immunity." This involves proteins like hepcidin, which reduces iron absorption from the intestines and traps iron within cells, making it less available to invading pathogens.

There's concern that iron supplementation can provide more iron to the parasites.
Our energetic nutritional deficiencies panel will bioenergetically show amino acids, enzymes, minerals, vitamins, and fatty acids that parasites and other microorganisms in the body can disrupt.

Parasites and the Environment

An increase in toxin exposure, lagging detox pathways, and immune and digestive stress create an environment where parasites love to thrive. 

Supporting the body’s detox processes or utilizing custom-balanced homeopathy and herbal remedies to increase drainage and remove toxins can help make the body inhospitable to parasites. 

Herbal remedies are fantastic for changing the microbiome and battling parasites. Yet many practitioners lack the knowledge to choose herbal remedies or the nuances of support that come with sensitive clients. 

Using bioenergetic testing helps our affiliate practitioners create a protocol for every client. Besides helping grow your business and income, testing can uncover toxins that may be encouraging parasite growth.

Our certification course will give you foundational knowledge and action tips for your clients in Lyme, mold, heavy metals, parasites, and chemicals. 

 When other toxins show up on a scan: The accumulation of toxins can impair Immune System function and create a hospitable environment for parasites. Both parasites and toxins can cause stress in the body. This stress can be shown in the 14 body systems that CBH Energetics tests through our unique saliva and hair collection and analysis. 

Parasites' impact on a bioenergetic report can go beyond the Immune System or the Immune System Dial. The Nervous System, Lymph System, blood and circulation, imbalanced iron, or zinc may all be hints at parasites impacting your client. 
Multiple areas of stress can alter the internal terrain, making your client more susceptible to parasites in the future.  

Understanding parasites can be complex, but bioresonance testing and certification offer a valuable tool for clearing these often overlooked microbes at the assessment stage of client support. 

Want to learn more? Our Bioenergetic Practitioner Course covers all of this and more in our parasite module! 
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